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  • Katharine Faust

4 Ways To Style Wide Leg Jeans

I know, I know. You have finally settled into the high-waisted skinny jeans trend after giving low-rise boot cut denim the boot (see what I did there?) and although you've grown a bit tired of that skinny silhouette, you're not all that thrilled to find out that baggy and wide legs are back. Fear not my fashionable friends! I'm here to reassure you, cause we've been through the struggle before. The aforementioned low-rise boot cut to high-waisted skinny transition injected a lot of anxiety into your dressing routines at first but we made it through! Here, four ways to style those big legged beauties (I opted for cropped version here) and a few tips so you can embrace the trend sans panic attack.

Tip #1

Make sure the rise is mid to high. The last thing you want is to both widen AND shorten your silhouette...and ladies accidental butt crack when sitting is so 2005. A higher rise will elongate your frame and compliment the width of the legs.

Tip #2

Tuck your shirt in! The quickest way to frumpville when trying to style wide leg jeans is to wear an untucked shirt, especially a loose fitting one. The key with these pants is visual balance. You want to show off the smaller part of these jeans to balance the wider parts. Now there are situations where you may want to go all out big, and more power to you for doing so, just remember balance....if you're going big try heels instead of flats.

Tip #3

Don't let them drag on the floor! You may have been able to get away without altering your skinnies but proper length is KEY to looking good in this cut ladies! Spend that small amount to hem them if they are sagging over your shoes and onto the floor. Muddy, ragged, half stepped on hems flatter no one!

Tip #4

Opt for minimal or non stretch. Not only is it environmentally friendlier to keep synthetic microfiber out of our water (stretchy jeans are loaded with these fibers), but your jeans will last a whole lot longer without elastic. You can give yourself double pat on the back for this one!

With these tips in mind, go ahead and jump on this trend while its hot and leave your anxiety behind!

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