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  • Katharine Faust

How To Make New Shoes...Well Kinda

Aside from a less is more is easier period in my early 30s, I have always desired to have an extensive shoe collection. But sadly both my wallet and my tendency to purchase other clothing items has always gotten in the way ( I pair of shoes OR 3-4 clearance separates? No question there!) My practical side always opts to purchase neutral shoes that I can wear in a myriad of situations and I eventually end up staring at my mostly black shoe collection wishing I had something more colorful or fun in the mix. By the way New Orleanians, since we are talking shoes, can you believe this girl hasn't ever caught a Muses shoe?!? Come on Muses ladies, throw me somethin'! But I digress.

Fortunately for crafty folks like me, this seasons shoe trends lend themselves to ample DIY-ing. From ruffles to beads to feathers, embellishment is in as are vibrant colors. Never has there been a better season to revive your old shoes. For this post I decided to experiment and embellish some tired black mules from my closet with some easily made ruffles in a vibrant blue satin. I know it sounds daunting if you don't sew, but trust me, this project is great for beginner sewers. Break out that sewing machine you were gifted a few years back and follow the photo guidelines below to make some rad ruffle embellishments. I must note, these are pretty general guidelines. Your shoes will vary in sizes and you'll need to modify it as needed (why there are no exact measurements noted). You can also simply take this inspiration and run in a different embellishment direction...bows, puffs, maybe even some plastic wrapped shoes a la Off-White/Jimmy Choo (Seems like only Rhianna could wear these but I might try this out in a later post!)

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