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  • Katharine Faust

5 Items You Should Banish From Your Wardrobe

Fashion is constantly evolving and sometimes for better or for worse, regurgitating. Some trends are welcome classics that can look good on all ages, shapes and sizes. And then there are true trends made popular and long lasting by celebrities and entertainers. Blinded by their flashiness, sex appeal, or just over the top styling, we get caught up in their time warp and lose sight of what looks good. Here are a few items you should throw out and leave in the fashion archives.

1. Low rise/ultra low rise and embellished jeans

I am somewhat amazed that low rise jeans are still so popular, being that the trend started in the late 90s and they are unflattering on anyone without Britney Spears' abs circa 2002. Maybe mom jeans scared us into wearing jeans that cut into our hips, showed the world our butt cracks and gave new usage to part of a bakery item. To add to their "sophistication" we decided to throw on some bedazzled bling. If you thought this would make you look rocker chic or upscale, you were very wrong. Denim bling only draws attention to the low rise's many issues. So box up your belly flaunting sparkly jeans and send them to rest in peace with Britney in Vegas.

What to wear instead? Mid to High Rise jeans are in and won't be going anywhere anytime soon. Don't worry, stretch is incorporated into most denim these days, so put your mom jean fears aside. Look for skinny or straight/slim cut jeans with a higher waist to create a longer leg. If you are on the shorter side, than mid rise will be appropriate. Just steer clear of pants that look like the ran out fabric at the top. Over elongating your torso will naturally give you a disproportionate look. Beware of jeggings and too tight looks however, as this trend looks cheap and will bring back that dreaded muffin top. And please leave the bedazzling to the tweens!

2. Crocs

Unless you work in a restaurant or a greenhouse, you should not own these. They flatter no one. Trust me, I've worked in a restaurant and have tried and failed to find a flattering croc!

What to wear instead? Depends on the situation/event, but I can't think of any event that would call for crocs aside from participating in an episode of wipe out.

3. Cap sleeves (half ass sleeves)

With the exception of an anorexic figure, all of us ladies have had moments when we've noticed our upper arms look...well wide. One way to fix this, that most of us don't pay attention to, is sleeve length. Cap sleeves are unflattering and many times they aren't necessarily a trend but rather a money saver for clothing manufacturers. Cap sleeves break right at the widest part of the upper arm, often times curving around it to create an even wider illusion.

What to wear instead? Pay attention to sleeve length when shopping. Sleeve lengths that break in the middle of the bicep or longer are best. 3/4 length sleeves are a great option too. Make sure the shoulder seam falls in the right spot, no further in than the bone where your shoulder meets your arm. Its more flattering to go sleeveless than to don a cap sleeve. If you have a piece that you really love but hate how it makes your arms look, take it to a tailor and have the sleeves removed. And don't forget about fit. If the top is too tight, your arms will look bulky no matter what sleeve length it has.

4. Fake vintage tees and tees with silly phrases on them

Another product of the 90s that just kept on going. "Pugs not drugs", "I'd rather be ______", brand name athletic dept shirts complete with distressed numbers and year established...I didn't know aeropostale had a baseball team. If you are over twenty just "keep calm and throw these shirts away".

What to wear instead? There are plenty of very cool authentic tees on ebay, or get crafty and create your own much more respectable phrase or design. You'll at least get points for trying. Also you can never go wrong with a classic plain white or black tee.

5. Pirate boots/over embellished boots...oh and UGGS!

Even my fashion savvy friends have fallen prey to these beasts. If your tall boots are heavy on buckles, excess material and fold over at the top, you should probably consider being a pirate for Halloween this year. Wearing pirate boots on any other day looks silly and costumey. And what about UGGS? Why would you shell out that much money for extended slippers with the silhouette of Simpsons' shoe?

What to wear instead? More boot, less detail. Tall boots are a statement already, no need for excess buckles, slouchy folds and turned down flaps. Keep it simple and you'll look sleek. A simple tall riding boot with minimal heel can become a staple item and be wearable and stylish for years. And for you UGG fans, there are plenty of chic boots with equally snuggly liners out there.

*Bonus for the guys: Affliction Clothing!

Do I need to explain? So you like MMA. That doesn't mean you need to wear a t shirt that looks like someone had too much fun manipulating a tribal design with photoshop filters in 2005.

What to wear instead? Anything but affliction t shirts! The tattoos go on your arms, not your shirt.

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